DoxyPEP is a morning-after pill for STIs – it can reduce the risk of getting STIs by up to 70% after having unprotected sex

What is DoxyPEP?
DoxyPEP involves taking doxycycline, an antibiotic, as a ‘Post-Exposure Prophylaxis’ for bacterial STIs after having sex without a condom. The idea is that taking doxycycline soon enough after unprotected sex will kill any STI-causing bacteria before it has the chance to cause a full-blown infection.
While not as well studied as PrEP for HIV (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis), preliminary findings have shown that taking DoxyPEP after sex could reduce the risk of STIs such as gonorrhoea, chlamydia and syphilis by up to 70%.
Doxycycline is currently widely used as a first-line treatment of choice for chlamydia, and in some cases syphilis and gonorrhea.
Taking DoxyPEP
DoxyPEP is taken as a single 200mg dose of oral Doxycycline within 72 hours after having sex without a condom.
DoxyPEP Effectiveness and Risks
Existing clinical trials with DoxyPEP have shown that it can reduce sexually transmitted infections by up to 70%.
Currently there are two key clinical trials supporting doxycycline as PEP for STIs, both studying men who have sex with men (MSM) and trans women:
- Trial conducted in Seattle and San Francisco (published in 2022): Doxycycline was shown to cut the risk of STIs by 66%
- Trial conducted in France (published in 2017): Doxycycline was shown to reduce the risk of chlamydia and syphilis by ~70% each
Where to Get DoxyPEP
DoxyPEP is still a relatively new concept, and has not entered mainstream medicine or healthcare services yet.
Learn More About DoxyPEP
Vox – There’s a morning-after pill to prevent sexually transmitted infections
TheBodyPro – DoxyPEP for STIs: Are We Ready for Prophylactic Doxycycline for MSM on HIV PrEP?
Aidsmap – Taking antibiotic after sex cuts STIs by two-thirds, ‘DoxyPEP’ study finds – Evaluation of Doxycycline Post-exposure Prophylaxis to Reduce Sexually Transmitted Infections in PrEP Users and HIV-infected Men Who Have Sex With Men